Home/Blog / Breast Augmentation with Large Implants – How Big Is Too Big?

This blog has been authored by “Dr. Joe” Gryskiewicz MD, FACS.

About Dr. Joe Gryskiewicz:

Dr. Joe Gryskiewicz is a board-certified plastic surgeon with over 30 years of experience performing aesthetic surgery. He is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and belongs to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, The Aesthetic Society, The Rhinoplasty Society, and many other national institutions.

In addition to being in private practice, Dr. Joe is a writer and international speaker. He has traveled the world delivering over five hundred presentations to professional organizations on plastic surgery topics such as breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, hot topics, and ethics. He writes for a number of medical journals, society newsletters, and academic publications.

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Breast Augmentation with Large Implants – How Big Is Too Big?

Breast augmentation, a procedure that has been both celebrated and critiqued, has seen a significant evolution over the years. From the early days when the procedure was a novelty to the present era — wherein breast implants are a common cosmetic enhancement — the allure of breast augmentation remains undeniable. One of the most debated aspects of this procedure involves the size of the implants, with many women opting for larger sizes to achieve a more glamorous look. However, as with all things, a balance must exist between aesthetics and health.

In recent times, the trend of “bigger equals better” has been on the decline. The modern woman is not just seeking size, but may be more inclined towards a natural look that complements her overall physique and lifestyle. This shift is not just a matter of personal preference, but can also be influenced by celebrities and societal trends. Icons like Victoria Beckham and Crystal Hefner have publicly discussed their decisions to reduce or remove their implants, signaling a change in the wind.

But what has led to this shift? Is it purely an aesthetic choice, or are there deeper health implications at play? With a renowned plastic surgeon like Dr. Joe Gryskiewicz setting a limit and only using breast implants sized up to 800ccs, breast augmentation begs the question: how big is too big?

The Evolution of Breast Implants

Breast implants have a storied history, reflecting the changing societal norms and beauty standards of the times. The journey of breast augmentation is not just about the procedure itself, but also about the evolving perceptions of beauty and femininity.

In the early days of breast surgery using silicone implants, curvaceous Hollywood stars like Marilyn Monroe and Rita Hayworth were setting beauty standards. The “hourglass” figure, characterized by its pronounced bust, became the epitome of beauty. The fashion world too, with Christian Dior’s 1947 “New Look,” emphasized an hourglass silhouette, celebrating a more “womanly” aesthetic.

As the decades rolled on, breast implants saw both peaks and troughs in their popularity. The 1960s saw the rise of hospital-grade silicone implants, which seemed safer and more reliable than previous methods. Celebrities like Pamela Anderson in the 1990s further popularized larger implants, making them a mainstream choice for many women. The early 1990s witnessed a significant backlash against breast implants, especially after complications like leakage and infection came to light. This led to restrictions and bans in several countries, causing a temporary dip in their popularity.

The turn of the millennium, however, saw a resurgence in the demand for breast implants. This time, there was a noticeable shift. While the early 2000s celebrated large and obvious implants, the latter part of the decade and the 2010s saw a move towards a more natural look. The overtly large, gravity-defying look started to wane in favor of implants that looked and felt more natural.

This shift was not just about aesthetics. It was influenced by celebrities, societal trends, and a deeper understanding of the health implications of large implants. With information more accessible than ever, women became more informed and started prioritizing their health alongside beauty.

Today, the trend leans towards a balanced approach. While breast augmentation remains one of the most sought-after cosmetic surgeries globally, there’s a clear preference for a more natural and proportionate look. Surgeons like Dr. Joe Gryskiewicz, who cap the implant size at 800ccs, further reinforce this trend, ensuring that the focus remains on achieving a harmonious balance between aesthetics and health.

The Debate: How Big is Too Big?

The allure of large breast implants is undeniable. However, as with most things in life, moderation is key. The debate around the ideal size of breast implants is not just about aesthetics, but also about potential health and lifestyle implications.

Choosing the right implant size is a decision that should be made after careful consideration. While it’s tempting to opt for a size that promises a dramatic transformation, it’s essential to understand the long-term implications of that choice. A breast implant that might seem perfect today could lead to complications and health issues down the line.

One of the primary concerns with excessively large breast implants is their potential to cause physical discomfort. Petite patients, for instance, might suffer from chronic back pain due to the added weight. The larger the implant, the more it alters the natural anatomy, potentially leading to postural issues and chronic discomfort.

From an aesthetic standpoint, larger implants come with their set of challenges. They require longer incisions, which could result in more visible post-procedure scarring. There’s also the risk of the implant rippling, becoming more visible as the natural breast tissue struggles to provide adequate coverage.

Dr. Joe Gryskiewicz’s decision to use implants only up to 800ccs is a testament to the growing consensus in the medical community about the risks of excessively large implants. His approach underscores the importance of prioritizing health and long-term well-being over short-term aesthetic gains.

Aesthetic Appeal and Lifestyle Impact

Large breast implants undeniably offer striking visual appeal. They can transform one’s silhouette, adding curves and creating a more voluptuous look. This transformation can have a profound impact on one’s self-esteem and the way they perceive themselves. However, it’s essential to consider how these implants will fit into one’s lifestyle. For instance, will they interfere with physical activities like running or playing sports? Will they fit seamlessly into one’s wardrobe, or will they necessitate a complete style overhaul?

Moreover, while large implants can look stunning in the initial post-operative phase, they might lead to aesthetic challenges in the long run. Excessively large implants can cause the skin to stretch, leading to issues like rippling, where the edges of the implant become visible through the skin. There’s also the risk of the “double-bubble” phenomenon, where the implant and the natural breast silhouette are both discernible, leading to an unnatural appearance.

Making an Informed Decision

The journey to breast augmentation is filled with excitement, anticipation, and, understandably, a fair share of apprehension. While the allure of a new silhouette is compelling, it’s imperative to approach the decision with a well-informed mindset. After all, breast augmentation is not just about enhancing one’s appearance but also about ensuring long-term health and satisfaction.

Consultation with a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

The first and most crucial step in the breast augmentation journey is consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon such as Dr. Joe Gryskiewicz. Dr. Joe brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to guide patients through the myriad of choices and considerations necessary. As a skilled surgeon, he will not only discuss aesthetic goals, but also review your lifestyle, health history, and long-term aspirations to ensure breast augmentation is right for you. He will also discuss the possibility of a breast lift with implants for patients also concerned with sagging.

Dr. Joe Gryskiewicz’s approach to capping implant size at 800ccs is a testament to the importance of expert guidance. By setting this limit, he ensures that his patients achieve a harmonious balance between their desired look and their long-term well-being.

Prioritizing Health and Well-being

While achieving the desired look is undoubtedly a priority, it should never come at the expense of one’s health. Overly large implants can lead to a host of complications, from physical discomfort to more severe health issues. It’s essential to strike a balance, ensuring that the chosen implant size complements one’s body type without compromising health.

Patients should be wary of the notion that they can choose their implant size without expert input. While patient satisfaction is paramount, the ultimate goal should always be holistic well-being. This means considering not just the immediate post-operative phase but also the years to come. After all, breast augmentation is a long-term commitment, and the chosen implant size will have lasting implications.

FAQs about Breast Augmentation with Large Breast Implants

What are the risks of choosing very large breast implants?

Choosing large breast implants can increase the risk of complications, including implant malposition, rippling, bottoming out, implant rupture, and capsular contracture. Additionally, large implants can put a strain on the chest muscles and skin, causing discomfort, pain, and potential long-term effects on the health of the breast tissue.

Can large breast implants look natural?

The appearance of breast implants, including their size and shape, can have a significant impact on the final outcome of breast augmentation surgery. While it is possible for large breast implants to look natural, it’s important to choose the right size and style of implant based on your body proportions and desired outcome. Other factors — such as the placement of the implant, the skill of the surgeon, and the quality of the tissue — can all play a role in achieving a natural-looking result.

Further Reading About Breast Procedures with Dr. Joe

Medical References About Breast Implant Surgery