Home/Blog / Best Rhinoplasty for a Bulbous Nose

This blog has been authored by “Dr. Joe” Gryskiewicz MD, FACS.

About Dr. Joe Gryskiewicz:

Dr. Joe Gryskiewicz is a board-certified plastic surgeon with over 30 years of experience performing aesthetic surgery. He is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and belongs to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, The Aesthetic Society, The Rhinoplasty Society, and many other national institutions.

In addition to being in private practice, Dr. Joe is a writer and international speaker. He has traveled the world delivering over five hundred presentations to professional organizations on plastic surgery topics such as breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, hot topics, and ethics. He writes for a number of medical journals, society newsletters, and academic publications.

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Best Rhinoplasty for a Bulbous Nose

Written By Joe Gryskiewicz, MD, FACS

Nose procedures like rhinoplasty help people who want to change their nasal shape. There are different types of nose jobs to correct specific issues. If you have a bulbous nose, you might be interested in finding out about the best nose job for a bulbous nose. Dr. Joe Gryskiewicz, a board-certified plastic surgeon and leading doctor in Minneapolis, is one of the most successful plastic surgeons in Minnesota. He can help you get the nose you have always wanted. This article covers the things you need to know about bulbous tip rhinoplasty or tip-plasty.

Your nose is usually your most prominent facial feature. Most patients seek rhinoplasty surgery to improve and enhance nose shape. “Rhino-” means “nose” (like rhinoceros), and “-plasty” means to shape, mold, or form. Rhinoplasty accounted for about two percent of all cosmetic surgery procedures in 2004 according to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS). An expert plastic surgeon can help reshape the bridge of your nose or change the size of your nostrils.

Many aesthetic plastic surgeons feel rhinoplasty is the most artistic and difficult cosmetic surgical procedure. I agree. Every change the surgeon makes has three-dimensional aspects that instantly alter other areas of the nose like the ripple effect from a single stone cast into a quiet pond. As if that wasn’t enough, the nose swells during the procedure, obscuring landmarks and sometimes healing unpredictably. A limited number of experts specialize in rhinoplasty, so do your homework. With rhinoplasty, the touch-up rate is a solid 15 percent nationally.

In medicine, it is said that diagnosis is 50 percent of the cure. In rhinoplasty, accurate pre-operative analysis is 50 percent of the outcome. Every nose is a completely different artistic adventure and the procedure must be individualized. Communication with the patient is essential. During patient consultations, I use photographs and a rhinoplasty diagram sheet to communicate clearly with the patient. I ask patients to pretend we have a surgical magic wand. I encourage them to bring in photographs of how they envision their results. One to three pictures are sufficient because any more can be confusing. I tell them, “I am an artist struggling to be a mind reader.” The plan at the initial consultation is only a rough draft. I will refine this plan many times in my own mind before the actual day of surgery, like revising a term paper. There is an old saying in plastic surgery, “Measure seven times, but cut only once.” All the steps of this plan are written out longhand and discussed in the pre-operative area on the day of surgery before we go into the operating room.

For some patients, I also have used computer imaging. An internal airway exam is a must to evaluate whether cartilage is present for grafting purposes from the septum, or whether valve or airway problems exist. (If your surgeon fails to look inside your nose, you’ve visited an amateur.) As a patient looks in the mirror describing their concerns, I take precise and accurate notes. I see all my rhinoplasty patients at least twice before the procedure to be sure they have a clear understanding of goals and limitations.

“My nose was kind of a non-issue,” one female patient said. “It bothered me a little bit, but I always got over it and put surgery plans on the back burner. Then a special occasion would arise that we all like to capture on film. The camera couldn’t conceal the crooked line in the middle of my face. I was finally ready to take the step. I was not going to get a new nose, just an improved and refined version of the one I was born with.”

In some patients who want smaller noses, grafting material may have to be added to refine their features. For instance, a patient may want the end of their nose to be smaller, saying “I don’t like the ball on the tip of my nose.” However, removing the structural framework that creates the ball may cause the tip of their nose to drop down. Some patients initially say, “Hey, doc. You’re not listening to me. I want my nose smaller, and you keep talking about adding more stuff to it.” I know it sounds strange, but in some cases, cartilage actually is added to refine the structure, support the skin, and fashion a more refined tip, which then appears smaller.

What is Rhinoplasty to Correct a Bulbous Nose?

Rhinoplasty is a type of facial plastic surgery during which your plastic surgeon reshapes or resizes the nose. It could also involve the removal of the nasal hump. A bulbous or rounded nasal tip is one of the most common reasons some people want to get rhinoplasty. That’s when a bulbous tip rhinoplasty procedure can help.

Bulbous Nose Surgery

A bulbous nose job or tip-plasty is the cosmetic surgical procedure performed to reshape a broad nose with a wide tip. This treatment focuses on the nasal tip only. We call it a bulbous nose job because it involves reshaping a bulbous nose tip. Patients undergo “tip-plasty” to achieve a better-shaped nose tip that complements their other facial features.

What Causes a Bulbous Nose?

Here are some common causes of a round or bulbous tip:

Sometimes, it could be due to genetics, as people belonging to certain ethnic groups tend to have a wide or bulbous nose tip. Tip-plasty is a minimally invasive procedure that reduces the nasal tip or the size of the nostrils. Patients who undergo this type of rhinoplasty report a significant improvement in self-esteem and self-confidence. Your surgeon will decide whether you need an open or closed approach to tip-plasty.

Modern rhinoplasty methods, like tip-plasty, make improving the bulbous tip easier without affecting the nasal structure. Your surgeon meticulously refines and reconfigures slight cartilage edges to design a natural-looking, but sharper nasal tip. Individuals who have thicker skin may need thinning around the nasal tip. Probably the biggest limitation with rhinoplasty is thick skin. Some noses have thick skin that will not shrink and conform to the underlying framework I fashion during the surgical procedure. A surgeon can do only so much with a large nose if the skin won’t contract. Some patients with big noses and thick skin want a dainty small nose. I have to tell them, “I can’t make a pup tent out of a circus tent.”  Rhinoplasty surgery is known for long-lasting cosmetic and functional outcomes compared to non-surgical cosmetic treatments.

What is Recovery Like After Bulbous Nose Rhinoplasty?

After a bulbous tip rhinoplasty, recovery may take about one week. You will need to rest as much as possible throughout the recovery period. If you just had tip-plasty, keep your head raised during this period. Your surgeon will remove the outside splint and take out any sutures after one week. Since I do the scarless rhinoplasty, most patients don’t have outside sutures to remove. The taping comes off then. Another good thing is the swelling of the nose isn’t too noticeable. You will look significantly improved right away.

Swelling decreases with time, and you can expect most of the swelling to subside within six weeks of the treatment. Therefore, almost 90 percent of the swelling will go down within the first three months of your surgery. But it takes one to two years to reach the final result.

Your nose becomes more proportional in width and size after surgery. That’s because the bridge gently blends into the nasal tip. Typically, this will fit better with your face to highlight your facial features.

After surgery, you can resume driving once you are off pain pills and exercise/sports, such as swimming and jogging, within three weeks. However, avoid contact sports like football and basketball for at least six weeks.

How to Choose the Best Plastic Surgeon for a Bulbous Nose Job

To get optimal results for your bulbous nose job, it’s critical to work with the right plastic surgeon. However, only a qualified and experienced nose surgeon can help you identify the best procedures for your specific nose structure. So how do you choose the best plastic surgeon for your nose job? Here are some tips to make your life easier:

1. Always avoid choosing cheap surgery or an under-qualified cosmetic surgeon.

When you think of “rhinoplasty,” the first thing that goes through your head is the cost of the procedure. Charges are based on the complexity of the procedure and the expertise of your surgeon. Don’t shop around for the cheapest cosmetic services. Instead, look for experience and expertise. There may be better options than the cheapest nose job.

Remember, you are trusting someone to make permanent changes to the most important feature on your face. Therefore, you must find a surgeon with the expertise and skills to perform a quality bulbous nose job. Always look for patient testimonials from past clients and visit their website to check the qualifications and experience of your surgeon.

2. Look at “before-and-after” photos of a nose job.

How can you tell if the plastic surgeon you’re about to work with is highly skilled? First, check their website for “before-and-after” pictures. If you can’t find them on their website, you can ask them directly to provide you with a few images of their past clients. Find other patients who faced similar problems as yours, such as a round or bulbous tip. Don’t forget to check the front and side of the previous patients to get a fair idea of what you should expect.

Twin Cities Cosmetic Surgery showcases a gallery of our previous nose job clients who received professional rhinoplasty services. Check out these nose transformation cases to decide if you want the same results.

3. Share your desired outcomes and goals.

Most importantly, discuss your needs with your potential surgeon. By now, you may know the changes you want to make to your nose, but are they achievable? After integrating your valuable feedback, only a skilled and professional plastic surgeon can recommend the best procedure. For your part, you need to have realistic expectations.

Whenever you consult a professional surgeon, you should be able to walk away feeling satisfied and confident. However, any confusion or miscommunication may indicate that this surgeon is not the best fit for your needs. Or you may need more time to be ready for any significant changes to your appearance. Trust your gut — always choose a surgeon with whom you feel very comfortable.

Getting a Bulbous Nose Job at Gryskiewicz Twin Cities Cosmetic Surgery

An initial consultation with a plastic surgeon is the first step in undergoing rhinoplasty. Dr. Joe will thoroughly examine your face and nose structure to conduct a detailed discussion regarding the changes you would like to make. It is not uncommon for people to travel from out-of-town to get a bulbous nose job. However, if you live in Minneapolis or Minnesota, you can contact Dr. Joe Gryskiewicz for an initial consultation about your nose job surgery.

We are proud to say that we enjoy a high success rate, and all our clients receive the best cosmetic surgery services, including rhinoplasty. Once you get in touch with us, we will schedule an initial consultation to discuss how to best help you. You will send photos of yourself before your appointment. We want you to achieve your goals. We will also provide pre-operative instructions, including information about any medicines you must take. Since you will be under general anesthesia or heavy sedation, you will also need to fast for a certain period before the surgery. The procedure is an outpatient surgery, and patients can go home on the day of surgery.

FAQs About a Bulbous Nose Job

Can someone with thick skin have bulbous nose surgery?

An experienced plastic surgeon can refine your nose’s tip and manage your nasal tip’s thickness. The surgeons reshape the cartilage, use the latest suture techniques, and use cartilage grafts from the septum to perform a professional nose job. They also reduce the subcutaneous fat and muscle around the tip skin to create a more defined tip. However, remember that a bulbous nose tip with thick skin is still challenging to refine compared to thin skin, even with these techniques.

What is the average cost of a bulbous tip rhinoplasty?

That’s one of the most common questions people ask before considering rhinoplasty. Several factors determine the overall cost of bulbous tip rhinoplasty. In most cases, insurance doesn’t cover this procedure because refining the tip of the nose is a purely cosmetic surgery. The price includes the facility fee, the experience of the surgeon, anesthesia, etc. However, if you experience problems due to repeated sinus infections or a deviated septum allergy that requires surgery, your insurance may contribute to your procedure. But it does depend on the extent of your benefits.

How long is recovery after rhinoplasty?

Recovery time can take up to one week. On the seventh day after your surgery, the surgeon will remove the outside splint and some stitches and maybe re-tape the nose. You may be instructed to tape at night. You may be given compression exercises to keep your nose from swelling. By this time, almost all your bruising will subside. There will be some swelling, but it will not be noticeable. Over time, your swelling will reduce. But it may take a full one to two years for the swelling to subside completely. So don’t plan your rhinoplasty surgery before a major event, such as your graduation or a wedding. Discuss with your surgeon for more clarity.

Further Reading About Face Procedures

Medical References About Nose Shapes & Rhinoplasty