Home/Blog / Understanding the Breast Lift Procedure

This blog has been authored by “Dr. Joe” Gryskiewicz MD, FACS.

About Dr. Joe Gryskiewicz:

Dr. Joe Gryskiewicz is a board-certified plastic surgeon with over 30 years of experience performing aesthetic surgery. He is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and belongs to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, The Aesthetic Society, The Rhinoplasty Society, and many other national institutions.

In addition to being in private practice, Dr. Joe is a writer and international speaker. He has traveled the world delivering over five hundred presentations to professional organizations on plastic surgery topics such as breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, hot topics, and ethics. He writes for a number of medical journals, society newsletters, and academic publications.

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Understanding the Breast Lift Procedure

Mastopexy, which most people simply refer to as a breast lift, is a cosmetic procedure that aims to raise and tighten breast tissue. Sagging can occur as the result of pregnancy, nursing, age, and gravity. Women who want to improve the look of their breasts can choose a lift with or without implants.  For most patients, the procedure does not merely restore their figure but improves upon it, increasing their confidence.

How Does a Breast Lift Work?

What Happens During the Procedure?

A surgical team begins the mastopexy procedure by administering anesthesia. Then the surgeon will make an incision pattern dependent on the patient’s figure and her overall cosmetic goals. The surgeon will then lift and reshape the breast tissue to improve its firmness and natural contours. After removing any excess skin, the nipple is repositioned, and the incisions are closed.

Some bruising or swelling is common following the procedure, but most women feel like themselves again within two weeks. Your surgeon will advise you regarding post-surgical care to reduce scarring and ensure a seamless recovery.

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Breast Lift?

You may be a good candidate for the procedure if you are finished having biological children, have small to moderate-sized breasts, do not smoke, and lead a generally healthy lifestyle. Women whose nipple height is at or below the breast crease will see the most dramatic results from this procedure. Depending on the patient’s current shape and ultimate cosmetic goals, her plastic surgeon may also recommend inserting breast implants during the procedure to achieve a fuller, firmer look.

What Is the Recovery Process Like?

A breast lift is typically an outpatient procedure, which means you will leave the facility on the same day of your surgery. Some discomfort is common, but your doctor will prescribe pain medication to help relieve the worst of the symptoms. It may take a few weeks for any swelling to subside entirely. As a result, you will have to avoid vigorous exercise and heavy lifting for about a month following surgery.


If you have flattened or sagging breasts and you want to make a change, turn to Gryskiewicz Twin Cities Cosmetic Surgery. With offices in Burnsville and Edina, MN, their surgical team is happy to serve clients throughout the greater Minneapolis area. Visit their website to view some before and after photos of their work, or watch Dr. Joe’s YouTube video explaining the breast lift procedure. When you’re ready to schedule your surgical consultation, call (952) 842-1000 to talk to someone in Minneapolis, or (952) 435-0177 to make an appointment in Burnsville.