Home/Blog / Common Reasons for Breast Implant Revision Surgery

This blog has been authored by “Dr. Joe” Gryskiewicz MD, FACS.

About Dr. Joe Gryskiewicz:

Dr. Joe Gryskiewicz is a board-certified plastic surgeon with over 30 years of experience performing aesthetic surgery. He is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and belongs to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, The Aesthetic Society, The Rhinoplasty Society, and many other national institutions.

In addition to being in private practice, Dr. Joe is a writer and international speaker. He has traveled the world delivering over five hundred presentations to professional organizations on plastic surgery topics such as breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, hot topics, and ethics. He writes for a number of medical journals, society newsletters, and academic publications.

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Common Reasons for Breast Implant Revision Surgery

Written By Joe Gryskiewicz, MD, FACS

Breast implant revision surgery is a surgical procedure performed to modify or correct the outcomes of a previous breast augmentation surgery. While breast implants are designed to be long-lasting, there are instances where women may require breast implant revision surgery. It may involve changing the size, shape, or type of implants, correcting asymmetry, addressing capsular contracture or implant rupture, or addressing changes in personal preferences.

It is crucial to understand that breast implant revision surgery is not necessarily a negative outcome but rather a way to address specific concerns or achieve desired changes after the initial procedure. This blog explores the common reasons for undergoing breast implant revision surgery and provides insights into the process.

Dr. Joe Gryskiewicz, a highly experienced plastic surgeon with over 35 years of expertise in cosmetic breast procedures, is committed to delivering exceptional results to each and every patient.

Common Reasons for Breast Implant Revision Surgery

Here are some of the most common reasons for breast implant revision surgery:

Capsular contracture is one of the common reasons why patients may require breast implant revision surgery. Capsular contracture refers to the formation of scar tissue around the breast implant. After breast augmentation surgery, the body naturally forms a capsule of scar tissue around the implant as part of the healing process. In some cases, this scar tissue can become thick, tight, and constrictive, leading to capsular contracture.

Symptoms of Capsular Contracture

Capsular contracture can cause various symptoms, ranging from mild to severe. These symptoms may include:

While the exact causes of capsular contracture are not fully known, different factors have been associated with its development. These factors may include:

Addressing Capsular Contracture through Revision Surgery

Breast implant revision surgery offers a solution to address capsular contracture effectively. The procedure aims to remove the hardened scar tissue and replace the implant with a new one. The specific surgical approach may vary depending on the severity of the contracture and the desired outcomes.

During the revision surgery, Dr. Joe will carefully remove the scar tissue capsule, ensuring a thorough and precise removal. Once the capsule is excised, a new implant can be placed, restoring a more natural look and feel to the breast.

In some cases, additional techniques may be used to minimize the risk of recurrent capsular contracture. These techniques may include changing the implant placement location, using a different type of implant, or utilizing a textured implant surface.

Implant rupture or leakage is another common reason for breast implant revision surgery. While breast implants are designed to be durable, there is a possibility of rupture or leakage over time.

Possibility of Implant Rupture or Leakage

Breast implants can experience rupture or leakage due to various factors such as trauma, aging, implant material fatigue, or manufacturing defects. Although modern implants are designed with improved durability, they are not entirely immune to these complications. It is difficult to impossible to tell if a silicone implant is ruptured based on clinical exam alone. Dr. Joe will use a specially designed ultrasound machine (not like the ultrasound machine at the hospital) to check the integrity of the shell of your silicone implants if you are worried about a rupture. Of course a deflated saline implant is usually obvious because a saline implant deflates almost completely in a day or two.

Signs and Symptoms of Implant Rupture or Leakage

Individuals should be aware of the signs and symptoms that may indicate implant rupture or leakage. Some common indicators include changes in breast shape, size, or contour, breast pain or tenderness, asymmetry between the breasts, or a feeling of deflation in one or both breasts. In the case of silicone implant rupture, symptoms may be less noticeable as the gel can remain within the implant pocket.

Symmetry issues are also a common reason why individuals may opt for breast implant revision surgery. This procedure can effectively address concerns related to breast asymmetry, providing improved aesthetic outcomes and restoring balance to the breasts.

Potential Causes of Asymmetry after Breast Augmentation

There are various reasons why breast asymmetry may occur after the initial breast augmentation surgery. These causes can include:

Surgical Options for Achieving Better Symmetry

Breast implant revision surgery offers various surgical options to achieve better symmetry. These options include:

Size change is another common reason why individuals may consider breast implant revision surgery. There are several situations where patients may seek a size change for their breast implants:

Surgical Procedures Involved in Achieving the Desired Size Change

Breast implant revision surgery offers options for women seeking a change in breast implant size. The specific surgical procedures involved can include:

Changes in breast tissue, such as sagging or ptosis, can be a common reason for considering breast implant revision surgery. These changes can impact the results of the initial breast augmentation and may require surgical intervention to restore a desired appearance. Over time, various factors such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, and the natural aging process can cause changes in breast tissue. The breasts may lose elasticity, resulting in sagging, drooping, or a loss of volume. These changes can affect the appearance and positioning of the breast implants, potentially leading to dissatisfaction with the initial augmentation results.

Surgical Procedures for Correcting Changes in Breast Tissue

Risks and Complications of Breast Implant Revision Surgery

Breast implant revision surgery carries potential risks and complications. It’s important for women considering this surgery to be aware of these risks and take steps to minimize them, ensuring a successful outcome. Here are some potential risks:

Factors to Consider Before Undergoing Breast Implant Revision Surgery

Before deciding to undergo breast implant revision surgery, there are important factors to consider.

FAQs about Breast Implant Revision Surgery

Is breast implant revision surgery painful?

How long does the recovery period last after breast implant revision surgery?

Will insurance cover the cost of breast implant revision surgery?

Can breast implant revision surgery fix all complications or aesthetic concerns?

How long do breast implants last before revision surgery is needed?

Further Reading about Breast Surgery with Dr. Joe

Medical References about Breast Implant Revision Surgery